Friday, December 17, 2010

thanks to wwp-n

I would like to thank the West-Windsboro Plainsboro North Knights for asking me to speak at their cross couunty banquet. Their passion for the sport and the their love of their team was inspiring.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The proof is in the pudding!

Or at least it's on my computer. Digital proof is in. One step closer to the New York Times best seller list.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Favorite Running Songs...

Just ran with my MP-3 player for the first time in a while. It's amazing what the right song can do to get the juices flowing. My top three, in no particular order.....(drumroll please)....Baba O'Reilly by the Who, Come with Me by P-Diddy (off the Godzilla 2000 soundtrack, it's a remake of Cashmere) and Never Let You Down by Kanye West. What's yours?


First set of promotional postcards are in. Looking pretty swell, I might add. Should have digital proof tomorrow and then it's on to Amazon!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December arrives.....and the temperature drops.

As if the calendar had control of the weather, as the month flipped from November to December heavy rains washed away our mild temperatures leaving a more "Christmasy" brisk air. Ah, still good weather for a run.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

McNeal excited for 76ers win!

Diehard Philly sports fan Joey McNeal is excited to see his 76ers win two games in a row for the first time this year.

Get out there and run!

A little dreary and wet, but you need to take advantage of near 60 degree weather on November 30th. Snowflakes aren't too far away.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Stay tuned for more information!

Stay tuned to find out when you can purchase the story of Joey McNeal.  McNeal is a Philly kid through and through. With a wild mop of curly hair and an uncommon thirst for competition, Mac is known to keep his car trunk full of sports equipment, ready for any pickup game.
            But McNeal’s true passion is running. Joey Mac is the fastest guy in town, but a slate of injuries stopped him short of greatness at what would have been the peak of his career. Now, about to turn thirty, McNeal starts to wonder What if? What if he put everything he had into training? What if he had a great coach? What if he could run faster than he ever had before? What if he could silence a lingering unfulfilled dream?
            But McNeal has two jobs, little time or money, and only the support of his closest friends. Even they don’t know that Mac secretly dreams of competing on the highest athletic stage: the Olympics.
            Phil Reilly’s debut faithfully depicts a runner’s life in Philadelphia--from Kelly Drive to Pennypack Park to the icy winter streets of the Northeast--as McNeal gives his running career one more shot. This searing pursuit reveals the sacrifices that passions require and the limits that are made to be broken.